Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hw 39 - Insights from book - Part 2

Baby Catcher
Peggy Vincent

Q: List several topics/areas the book has taught you about that the "Business of Being Born" either ignored or treated differently or in less depth.

A: - Doctors/hospitals want the labor process to go their way, as quick and artificial as possible. 

- The more medication applied, and time saved, the better.

- Although bound by a patient's wants; the doctors try to persuade vulnerable patients in to taking certain routes to shift the process in to their direction

Q: The major insight the book tries to communicate in the second 100 pages (1-3 sentences) and your response to that insight (2-4 sentences).

A: The major insight that I am getting out of "Baby Catcher", is the spirituality aspect of birth. This idea of a parallel world in which you feel you are a part of while pregnant/birthing. 
I feel that the spiritual rituals and beliefs that come in to place seem to stem from the hormones of excitement and attachment, such as Oxytocin. The hormones of a woman's body may be a tricky thing to grasp for most women, and a rational explaining for them may be this idea of spirituality. Woman, during birth, may feel at ease and relaxed knowing that they're safe because of spiritual reliefs.

 Q: List 5 interesting aspects of pregnancy and birth discussed in the second hundred pages that you agree deserve wider attention.

A: - The idea of spirituality and actuality being one, a soon-to-be mother should be in touch with her spirit.

- The idea of "spirit babies" which demonstrate those born to a mother who's birthing process went wrong.  This idea can bring a lot of peace to some mothers

- The "perfect" births which actually do occur. All the negative, unfortunate birthing accidents are shared quickly, however many births go off without a hinge. Which are shared by Peggy Vincent. 

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